As an Inspiring Leader


Your thoughts are creating your current results in EVERY AREA of YOUR LIFE

 Are you living a life that you love?


Work With Me

Find These Thoughts Repeating In Your Head?


Why am I not progressing in the organization? Do I even belong here?


I'm better than the people around me - even my boss!


I hit my numbers, I score high on all evaluations and yet... others keep passing me up?

They don't really care about me.


What is wrong with me?

If you keep getting the same results no matter what actions you are taking,


You Are Not Broken!


✧ You're Human ✧



I can help you change those results with ease.

It is simple but some days may not feel easy.

My life changed when I admitted I was a very good liar.  Yours can too!

When I wrote  “The Naked Executive”,  I learned that we are all very good at telling ourselves lies. Lies of convenience, of avoidance, to justify actions or taking no actions.  We are so good at it that it looks and feels like it is true. After several breakdowns (breakthroughs actually) I discovered that many things I was telling myself simply were not true.  

I learned how to recognize my truth and own the power that the truth brings with it.  All of these things I learned by trying, failing and then trying again.

  I have collected many  souvenirs from this journey and created a personal practice that is so easy I simply cannot fail. 

So how do I know how you feel about being a leader and questioning the life you are currently leading…

Because I Am You

Work With Me

First Your most valuable asset is you. 

Second An effective personal practice is easy, engaging and energizing.

Third Are you willing to consider working harder may not be the solution?

If you are tired of being tired, we may be a great fit!

Work With Me & Get Naked

What is Naked? 

Naked is aligning your thoughts, words and actions in a way that effortlessly creates the results that you want in your life. 

Based on principals found within The Naked Executive, I've created a 12 week course to accelerate your own personal practice. I've prepared weekly training modules that will teach you everything you need to do to become naked and put every aspect of your life on a new trajectory.

This is a weekly live course  in small groups with a weekly 1:1 touch base to ensure you are making the progress you expect.  Each week we will come together and I will coach you on the material covered in video trainings, answer questions, tell stories and be your guide to Naked.

Pillar 1

Your Truth


What feelings are fueling your actions and feeding your desires? Your thoughts are creating your feelings which drive your actions which create your results.  You may be running on dirty fuel and together we can identify your clean fuel: Truth.

Pillar 2

Your Style


Once we uncover You, I'll teach you to confidently flex your communication style without compromising your own integrity. This is the best and quickest way to build effective relationships and evoke action in others that align with common goals: Lead.

Pillar 3

Your Personal Practice


We will  create a personal practice that will sustains you and doesn't drain you.

Practice does not make perfect, but your practice will create joy and focus on progress that you can be proud of: Pleasure.

Naked is a  personal practice that consistently 



✧ Your confidence will be in who you are and what you can do: You cannot fail at being you.

✧ You can release fears and insecurities about who you think you need to be: You do all things with pleasure.

✧ You are a leader that loves your life


This personal practice creation can be yours and the shift to clean fuel can begin in just 12 weeks

Really want a jumpstart? Work with me at a Riverhouse Retreat!

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